Dirt City Zine is a collective voice of talented individuals and creative scenes who breathe energy into the Daytona Beach, FL and Phoenix, AZ metro areas. The purpose is to serve as a community resource by welcoming new forms of artful expression, with hopes of our articles feeding and inspiring each reader's own creative aura. If you want to keep up with the skateboard world... link up below at sk8dirtcityzine.blogspot.com.



Wednesday, April 30th, a group of Daytona friends and I went to participate in feeding hungry citizens of Orlando, Florida. With us we brought donations which were instantly consumed by hungry hands. People gathered around Lake Eola around 5:00pm in search of a promised "free" meal. Shortly after we arrived, vans and trucks showed up with a dozen volunteers unloading cloathing, books, and Vegan prepared meals. They set up stands and served anyone who was hungry. The ages of volunteers and people in search of food ranged from 16 to 60. Here are a few photos documenting the weekly mission.

A sign found along the path of Lake Eola.

An Orlando resident since 1985 participates nearly every week, and he states, "They think that by cutting off services we're going to go away and we're not."

Quite the turn-out in my opinion. Souls in search of a little peace in their day. A warm, free meal, a possibility of interview-appropriate articles of clothing, and a good read for the mind to escape the warn souls of their society...or to possibly educate.

"Orlando Food Not Bombs shares vegan and vegetarian food with hungry people in the Orlando area. Some are homeless while others are the working poor who have homes but whose labor doesn't provide them with enough to enjoy a basic standard of living. Ours is the richest and most wasteful society on Earth, and we prepare our meals using some of the vast amounts of perfectly edible food that otherwise would go to waste." - orlandofoodnotbombs.org

A Dirt City dweller enjoying some Vegan Lentil Stew after assisting with serving the hungry individuals. A Vegan meal consists of only soil-born food products that contain no animal bi-products.

Seeing all of these bikes being utilized really left an impact on me. If our generation can see that there's something wrong with the way we rely on automobiles due to their convenient nature, and actually attempt to make a difference, then maybe there is more hope after all. An orlando friend says "I do as well love seeing all of those bikes because I look at cycling as a backbone to a political crisis were having within transportation issues." And that mindset is the reason I am hoping one day all of this will be revolutionary beyond our wildest dreams. God, we all know that something has to change soon. Let's start now.

Chris Fields began volunteering because she was "upset that the city of Orlando was trying to make it illegal for people to do what they feel like they should do from their inner-being". She stated, "I should be able to share a sandwich or Twenty-Five sandwiches, or a Hundred sandwiches if I see that someone is hungry."

As I understand, the ordinance that Orlando passed makes it illegal for any individual or group to serve more than 25 people in a public park within 2 miles or a mile of City Hall.

I spoke with another volunteer named Adam who informed me that the Orlando FoodNotBombs chapter began in January 2005. A couple months ago they started serving breakfasts on Monday mornings at 8:30. In his neighborhood, where alot of the volunteers reside, they recently started a free produce distribution stand as well.

I asked Adam to give me a little more insight on what they are trying to achieve through these efforts...

"An international movement against violence and hunger. There are chapters all over the world in places such as Nigeria, SouthAmerica, Russia, and Europe. All organizes under the principles of using food that would otherwise be wasted and vegetarian food and just giving it away for free to anybody. So, we're kind of like just one part of a global movement. It's not an organization, it's more of a movement. People just start their own chapters."
"I see this as building an alternative to the mainstream capitalist economy and kind of underminding it and creating an alternative to the current system; creating a better system...putting it out to people so they can see it as the good idea we see and hopefully adopt it. The idea is that if people get food for free, they won't have to go out and buy it and it just underminds the whole "for-profit economy". And we hope to branch out to other things so people can get things like free daycare. It's like building a new infrastructure for a new way of living."
"Poverty causes homelessness, not food. If businesses won't put the food to good use then we will go out and physically intercept it and make sure it gets put to use; if they wont do it we will. It's a direct action against waste of food. Half the food produced in the United States gets thrown away, so how anyone can possibly go hungry when there is so much food being thrown away is mind boggling."
Adam, an Orlando Food Not Bombs volunteer

Enabler? A man who gives his entire life to his country, claims that by supporting such movements and compassionate efforts such as Food Not Bombs, I am in fact an enabler. What is so enabling about wanting to assist efforts against homelessness and violence? How can I be enabling anyone any more than our own government and today's society has done and continues to do on a daily basis? Healthcare is denied for it is a luxury, not a right. If someone is in the position to give, why should anyone object? I was always taught that if you see someone down, that's the time to pick them up...set our differences aside and we will never look back.

For more information on Orlando Food Not Bombs visit http://orlandofoodnotbombs.org/
Orlando FoodNotBombs is always looking for volunteers and donations.

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