Dirt City Zine is a collective voice of talented individuals and creative scenes who breathe energy into the Daytona Beach, FL and Phoenix, AZ metro areas. The purpose is to serve as a community resource by welcoming new forms of artful expression, with hopes of our articles feeding and inspiring each reader's own creative aura. If you want to keep up with the skateboard world... link up below at sk8dirtcityzine.blogspot.com.



Rant by Stormer

"C.R.E.A.M. cash rules everything around me" - Wu-Tang Clan. That phrase is more then the hook of a catchy hip-hop song. It pretty much sums up our mentality in this country. It dosen't matter who you are, how much money you make, how nice a house you live in, or what kind of car you drive your whole life is spent chasing that almighty dollar. This phenomena is very similar to the social cache system of ancient India. It worked something like this, you are born into the class that your parents were born into, and no matter what you do you will always be in that social class. Very much like the economic social groupings of our time. If you are born to a poor working class family chances are that is all you will ever know. And there are these little rules that where put in place by these banking cartels to ensure people stay in there class, or tax brackets as they would prefer them to be called. And why isn't our government doing something to stop this unjust, evil form of economic slavery? Because they really aren't the ones running the show. The men who run this country are a handful of rich, conservative, white, males that own the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve isn't a government operated program as we are lead to believe. They are a privately owned and operated corporation that prints, distributes, and controls the value of our money in this country. The money is loaned to our government at interest, thus creating debt, and to pay this debt we must borrow more money at interest creating more and more debt. Which in-turns gives our elected officials no real power because they too are bound by the same chains of debt as everyone else. Other then the debt of our country how do these banking tycoons make prophet? War. Wars require unimaginable amounts of money to be fought, and the longer the war is drawn out the more money can be made. All the guns, food, ammo, transportation, fuel, and vehicles need to be paid for too, so our government must borrow more money to provide these things for soldiers to "resolve" these petty differences, but since our government is slave to this corporation they will have them drag our the smallest conflict to just rake in the prophets. From what I've seen in my very short 17 years of life this cycle of debt has got to be the greatest hustle of all hustles. These men rule the world through a meaningless piece of paper. The threat of central banking is by no means a new concept. It was the prime reason of our revolution from England. The king had outlawed the use of the free money system being used in the colonies forcing them to borrow money, at interest, from the Central Bank of England. Our forefathers knew what to do to stop this wretched enslavement, maybe it is time for us to learn from our past and do the same.

-These are the opinions and beliefs of a resident in our Dirt City. And because writing is such a large part of what we do, I am attempting to highlight anyone who has something to rant about. Opinions are everywhere, so embrace them. Feel free to send your writings to smallmanbigmouth86@yahoo.com. Thank you.

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