Dirt City Zine is a collective voice of talented individuals and creative scenes who breathe energy into the Daytona Beach, FL and Phoenix, AZ metro areas. The purpose is to serve as a community resource by welcoming new forms of artful expression, with hopes of our articles feeding and inspiring each reader's own creative aura. If you want to keep up with the skateboard world... link up below at sk8dirtcityzine.blogspot.com.


Dirt City features aspiring artist Josiah

-Where all have you traveled recently and why? general interest? humanitarian efforts?

A: bolivia, chile, india, and a few states. everything from backpacking, to teaching english to kids living in indian brothels. Trying to make an imapct, and trying to be impacted.

-What's your favorite medium to work with?

A:acrylic paints, usually mixed media. On boards, on cloth, on silk, on canvas.

-How long have you been doing art?

A:since i can remember. I used to draw in sunday morning church, then i relized i should do this more often. but i started painting at like 15 or 16.

-What or who are your inspirations?

A:God- whoever that is. Me- whoever that is. Life-whatever that is.

-What are you hoping to gain from this life?

A:To find some point where things start to make sense, and i truly know that what i am doing is exactly what i am suppose to be doing.

-What are some of your current dreams and desires?

A: travell a bit more. maybe meet a wife. make a positive impact that changes someones life. just one.

-How long have you lived in the Dirt?

A: born and raised.

contact Josiah @ http://www.myspace.com/my_name_is_josiah

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